Few things are as awe-inspiring as a nighttime sky awash with stars. Countless generations of sky-gazers have marveled at the […]
The use of water energy dates back to antiquity and is integral to modern thermal power and hydropower production. It […]
There is no doubt that the food industry is changing forever. Who knows if it will yield all good results, […]
There’s a particular resounding quiet at White Buffalo Land Trust’s 1,000-acre farm. It’s not silent, but more a natural hum. […]
Cities are undergoing significant change as a result of the climate problem. Some people battle over every parking space and […]
Functioning mostly as a lushly planted offshore refuge for urban wildlife that’s only partially accessible to people, Recycled Park stretches […]
There is more than enough food to go around to feed everyone on the planet. Despite this, 811 million people […]
Deforestation occurs when forests are converted—typically through logging, natural disasters, wildfire, and mining—to non-forest uses, often agriculture, logging, road construction, […]
It is estimated that more than 800 million people around the world don’t have access to safe drinking water. Also, […]
Welcome to the green, green acres of Antarctica. Yes, you read that right. Scientists note that algal blooms are dressing […]
The Amazon is losing its ability to recover from disturbances like droughts and land-use changes, scientists reported Monday, adding to […]
Forests cover about 31% of the global land area, though they are responsible for supporting a vast majority of the […]